Imprint | Impressum

Deutsche Version

Verantwortliche Instanz:
Gertrudstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur

Vertretungsberechtigte Personen
Stephan Brenneisen

Name des Unternehmens: ZHAW
Registrationsnummer: CHE-110.076.778
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: CHE-110.076.778 MWST

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Quelle: BrainBox Solutions

English Version

Responsible entity:
Gertrudstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur

Stephan Brenneisen

Company Name: ZHAW
Registration number: CHE-110.076.778
Vat number: CHE-110.076.778 MWST

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References and links to third party websites are outside our area of responsibility. It rejected any responsibility for such websites. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.

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The copyrights and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to ZHAW or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.

Source: BrainBox Solutions